About us

The Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) UK is the headquarter of the institution.
The Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) is a global professional membership body for those in the fire sector that seek to increase their knowledge, professional recognition and understanding of fire through a global discourse. With over 100 years of history, the IFE is instrumental in shaping a future world that is safer from fire.
Through its ceaseless betterment and sharing of knowledge, it has led the way in enabling fire professions to become rigorously assessed through a well-established and dynamic system of internationally recognised membership grades and fire-related qualifications. The IFE delivers more than 6,000 exams annually.
Managed for fire professionals by fire professionals, the IFE aims to promote, encourage and improve the science, practice and professionalism of fire engineering, acting as a beacon of established expertise and guiding the way to a fire safe future.
The primary objectives and framework for managing the Institution are set out in our Memorandum, Articles of Association, By-Laws and Standing Orders.
Engaging with your local Branch of the Institution of Fire Engineers supports your continuing professional development by keeping up to date on the latest developments, as well as helping to expand your network of contacts.
All members, guests, and colleagues are welcome to participate in Branch activities. If you are interested in getting more involved and volunteering to support branch activities, please contact the local representative – your support is invaluable.

The Institution of Fire Engineers Malaysia Branch was incorporated in 1997, initiated by Dato Soh Chai Hock, the then Director General of Fire and Rescue Department Malaysia as the pro-temp Chairman together with Mr Tay Hao Giang the pro-temp Secretary. The pro-temp committee consists of senior fire officers, fire engineers, fire protection engineers, M & E consultants, architects, etc. Following meetings with the International President in Malaysia and two separate meetings by Mr Tay Hao Giang in Manchester UK with CFO George Almond to lay the groundwork in setting up a Malaysia Branch, the Branch was inaugurated in August 1997 by Mr Peter Holland and Mr George Almond at an International Fire Conference graced by Dr Ting Chew Peh, Minister of Housing and Local Government.
We have since grown from strength to strength a quarter of a century later to become one of the most active branches in the IFE history. Over the years, Branch has observed a tradition of alternating the Presidency between Fire and Rescue Department Malaysia and fire professionals, a synergy and collaboration between Government agencies and private sector. Senior fire officers and fire professionals has been elected to serve.
IFE Malaysia Branch has a wide range of membership base – senior fire officers, fire engineers, fire protection engineers, architects, technicians, university graduates, lecturers, fire protection industry manufacturers/suppliers and corporate. Branch has also been networking with many IFE branches in the world.
Throughout its history, Malaysia branch has been promoting fire safety engineering education, achieving the mission of IFE as a charitable professional Institution in disseminating fire safety knowledge and information. We participated in co-hosting of IFCEM (International Fire Conference and Exhibition Malaysia) with Fire and Rescue Department Malaysia and Malaysian Fire Protection Association; co-hosting fire safety CPD seminars with PAM (Malaysia Institution of Architects) for members and practicing Architects; sharing fire safety knowledge with Government and quasi-government agencies, professional Institutions andInstitution of higher learnings.
Mr. HG Tay of IFE Malaysia Branch has taken the initiative in setting up the IFE APAC Forum where 7 IFE Branches within APAC region meet bi-annually to discuss and share information on fire safety issues. IFE APAC Forum has since met in Zhuhai China, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand and USA.
IFE Malaysia branch has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UMT as of April 2022) in collaboration and promotion of fire safety in higher learning curriculum.

Our Vision
To enable fire professionals to shape a fire-safe world.

Our Mission
To advance and improve the knowledge, practice, and recognition of all fire professionals
List of recognition / certification

- IFE International examination is recognised by The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) regulates qualifications, examinations, and assessments in England. Candidates who passed all Level 4 examination can be admitted as Members. Candidates who passed all Level 5 examination can be admitted into universities for fire safety engineering related engineering degree.
- Members who quality can registered with UK EC (Engineering Council) as Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer or Engineering Technician
- IFEM is a HRD Corp registered certified training organisation with Mr HG Tay a HRD Corp registered and certified trainer. Fire Risks Assessor course is now claimable under HRD Corp scheme.
Meet Our Council

Ir. Lee Kong Fan
Ir. Lee Kong Fan
B.Sc.(Hons) Mech Eng.(UK) MIEM P.Eng(M) AMIMechE

Mr. Tay Hao Giang
Deputy President
Mr. Tay Hao Giang
Deputy President
B.Sc.(Hons) M.Sc. Fire Safety Engineering

Dato’ Ir. Dr. Haji Wan Mohammad Zaidi Wan Isa
Vice President
Dato’ Ir. Dr. Haji Wan Mohammad Zaidi Wan Isa
Vice President
B.Eng. (Hons) Civil, Dip. Eng. Civil

Ir. Lam Kai Min
Honorary Secretary
Ir. Lam Kai Min
Honorary Secretary
B.Eng.(Hons) Mechanical, MIEM, P.Eng, GBIF

Ir. Chong Xin Xi
Honorary Treasurer
Ir. Chong Xin Xi
Honorary Treasurer
M. Eng. Mechanical Engineering, P.Eng, M.IEM

Ts. Hj. Hamdan Bin Hj. Ali
Council Member
Ts. Hj. Hamdan Bin Hj. Ali
Council Member
M.Sc.ERP (UPM), B.Eng. Mechanical (UTM)

Ir. Mohamad Saiful bin Abdul Rani
Council Member
Ir. Mohamad Saiful bin Abdul Rani
Council Member
MSc Fire & Explosion Engineering, P.Eng. MIEM

Elphine Chew Ann Fey
Council Member
Elphine Chew Ann Fey
Council Member
Elphine Chew Ann Fey
Bachelor of Architecture

Mohamad Faizal Bin Mohamad Sharin
Council Member
Mohamad Faizal Bin Mohamad Sharin
Council Member
BChE Chemical Engineering (University of Minnesota)
NFPA Certified Fire Protection Specialist

Amirul Hakim Bin Md Zubir
Council Member
Amirul Hakim Bin Md Zubir
Council Member
Bachelor Biochemical-Biotechnology Engineering

Ir. Ts. Dr. Yew Ming Chian
Council Member
Ir. Ts. Dr. Yew Ming Chian
Council Member
PhD Fire Protection Engineering, MEng Sc. Fire Protection Engineering
P.Eng, C.Eng, P.Tech, MIEM, AFAAET

Goh Khang Yien
Goh Khang Yien
- 1998
- 2001
- 2010
- 2015
- 2021
- 2022
- 1997
- 2000
- 2009
- 2012
- 2018
- 2021